Klamath River Dam Outreach Meetings
/With Granite Construction at their side, the CPM Logistics Team hit the road for an amazing set of informative outreach events for the Klamath River Renewal Project (KRRP). On Tuesday, January 29, 2019, CPM Logistics and Granite Construction hosted two outreach meetings in in Klamath Falls, CA and Yreka, OR. The purpose of the meetings was to inform local and tribal contracting entities of the Klamath River Renewal Project and Granite’s commitment to engaging local and small businesses on the Project.
Attendance at both meetings exceeded expectations; this being many attendees first KRRP outreach meeting. Although most attendees had general knowledge of KRRP, they appreciated the additional project details as well as the discussion on job opportunities that Granite and CPM provided.
The wide-range of capabilities collectively among companies attending reflect the vast scope of the project: there were trucking companies, concrete crushers and dirt movers, fish biologists, water labs, and native plant species experts. Also in attendance were union representatives and members of the local Tribal Employment Resource Ordinance (TERO) offices.
"It makes good economic and time sense to fully engage the unique expertise the local contracting community already has,” said Dave Niess, Project Executive. He went on to detail the various facets of the project and many of the challenges involved with the scope of work. He concluded by emphasizing Granite Construction's commitment to utilizing local knowledge, know-how and labor stating. "If I see available local, skilled laborers sitting out this project, then that's a failure on my part."
CPM Logistics is serving as the project team's Small Business Program consultant. Our mission is to help remove barriers between primes and local and tribal contractors.