Letter from the President, July 13, 2018
/June was a hectic month for our small staff at CPM.
We hosted 9 Small Contractor events; nominated not 1, but 2, well deserving industry friends for service awards; attended countless meetings and conference calls in support of Small Business; continued our quest for data supporting Senate Bill 1 (SB-1 aka, the Gas Tax); all while running a business and addressing our everyday duties.
We recently sent out a short, non-political 5-minute survey asking for information about your knowledge of SB-1 and the bill’s provisions. We have been monitoring the hundreds of responses. Not surprising, many Californians feel stretched thin by how much they pay in taxes to our federal, state and local governments; many are offended by not being offered the choice to vote on SB-1; most, if not all, would like to have open dialogue with those administering how the funds are managed.
This survey will remain open until July 31 and the results will be made available to anyone that is interested in reviewing the data collected. All who have completed the survey to date have been respectful and civil – dialogue that we appreciate and encourage to help us all better understand how to move forward with supporting the repair of our highways, bridges and infrastructure.
June 20, 2018 BART Mechanical Outreach Event in San Francisco
We will also begin hosting monthly educational workshops for Small Businesses that want to increase their capacity through industry best practices. Our response to this need is to engage agencies and primes to help us provide that knowledge to these companies on a regular basis. Keep an eye out on our events page.
We hope that you are having a great summer!