Letter from the President, October 2018


After every Small Business event we’ve coordinated recently, we tell ourselves that our work volume will slow down, that we are at our peak.  Because of all of the new federal and state infrastructure funding, it is beginning to finally sink in that this work pace may be the new norm for our company.  We have 4 events, and 6 statewide trips, in the next 30 days. 

Why, in our 6th year, are we now in line with demand for our services?

This may be because of several reasons.

  1. We target only a handful of clients that represent our values of integrity, communication and responsiveness, instead of remaining open to any and all in the industry.

  2. We are forecasting work earlier and planning for short and long term goals each year.

  3. Empowering and supporting our staff is, and always will be, a priority to CPM. 

These three points may sound overly simplistic but they are extremely effective.  Business planning, setting goals and understanding what value you bring to the professional table are the cornerstones of any successful business.