CMGC SR-99 Reconstruction / El Dorado to Clinton - Fresno
Virtual Kick-Off Event: April 30th from 9:00am to 10:00am
Join the Project team to learn about working with them through the project's CMGC process as well as upcoming prospective scopes including:
Construct six (6) 12-foot lanes (3 lanes each direction) with Continuously Reinforced Concrete
Pavement (CRCP): Construct a 46-foot paved median with standard 10-foot inside shoulders, and standard 10-foot outside shoulders with Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A).
Construct auxiliary lanes on the NB and SB directions from SR 99/1 80 connectors to Olive Ave and from Olive Ave to Clinton Ave.
Construct retaining walls and soundwalls at various locations.
Replace the existing concrete median barrier to current standards.
Construct pumping plants adjacent to Kerman
Branch UP and Olive Ave OC.
Remove the following bridge: Teilman Ave/Pacific Ave OC
Replace the following bridges: El Dorado St OC, Kerman Branch UP, Belmont Ave UC, and Olive Ave OC.
Widen the following bridges on both the NB and SB directions: Nielsen Ave UC and McKinley Ave UC.
Close the following ramps: Belmont Ave and McKinley Ave ramps.
Construct a standard diamond interchange with roundabouts at the ramp terminals at Olive Ave.